Minh Đức Nguyễn
Minh Duc grew up in Germany, and his origins are in Vietnam. He studied mathematics and computer science. After a residency in Brussels in 2015, he collaborated with performers and choreographers and worked for different exhibitions, performance projects, art festivals and art institutions like workspacebrussels. So he participated in a collaboration project with Gregory Sholette, workspacebrussels and Sale Docks Venice, during the Biennale di Venezia in 2017. With the knowledge of mathematical and computer science-based concepts, he is interested in interdisciplinary art forms between art and science. His works consist of hybrid and mixed art forms from several genres, including installations, performances, projections and sound art. In 2018 he created a new concept for ongoing installation and performative works based on the mathematical concept of cellular automata, supervised by professors Stefan Schmidt and Andreas Deutsch of the Mathematical Institute and Centre for Information Services and high-performance computation in Dresden. His works consist of hybrid and mixed art forms from several genres, including installations, performances, projections and sound art. During his residency in 2019 in Montreal, Canada, he dived more into the electronic music scene, artistic computation, and electro-acoustic performances. From 2020 he was active in a small art and cultural NGO in Germany. Recently, he has been focusing more on photography and personal documentation while researching experimental musical experiments while intersecting modular synthesis and piano.
Minh Duc Nguyen
1050 Brussels
1050 Brussels