Between the mouth and the anus is a large organ system known as the digestive tract, where food passes through and modified in some deemed as hollow organs. Therefore, solid organs are not hollow but still play a vital role in the digestion of food. The solid organs secrete juices that break down food and control the distribution of the food and water necessary for the human body to survive. The solid organs are the liver, pancreas, spleen and adrenal glands.
- The liver is located in the upper right-hand portion of the abdomen inside the ribcage. It is a meaty organ that is reddish-brown in colour and feels rubbery to the touch. The liver is a very complex and dynamic organ. Its main job is to filter blood from the digestive, make blood clotting proteins, clean the blood of toxins, control numerous enzymes and proteins, and control cholesterol levels. Once the blood passes through the liver, it passes to the rest of the body. The liver cells also produce bile, which flows into small channels called bile canaliculi that drain into bile ducts. Every day, the liver, on average, secrets 900 ml of bile that contains salts needed to digest fats in the diet. Bile enters into the duodenum at the detection of fat in the duodenum of the small intestine through the biliary tract, which also includes the gallbladder.
The liver can feel as if it is outside of the rib cage, which gives it the sensation that it is expanding up and outward. In considering it inside the ribcages, the ribs on the right side can relax—the liver compacts into the abdomen at the ascending colon. By considering the gallbladder in relationship with the liver, the liver becomes energised, with the gallbladder being a concentrated point of energy that expands into the liver. The expansion of this energy can be directed into the cecum and down into the right leg through the hip joint.
- The gallbladder is situated inferior and posterior to the right side of the liver. It is pair shaped and has a capacity of about 50 ml. It is made of a muscular membranous sac that stores and concentrates bile. The mucous membrane cells have hundreds of microscopic projections called microvilli, which increase the area of fluid absorption.
The gallbladders relationship with the liver gives the torso a playable compacted sense, which allows change in direction with control and focus. It also gives a sense of buoyancy and lightness.
The feeling of the gallbladder falling downward into the cecum and the right leg allows for greater playable support and upheld control of the right leg.
- The Pancreas is located in the upper abdomen, partially posterior to the stomach near the midline. The head of the pancreases lies in the curvature of the duodenum, with the tail extending superiorly in the direction across the midline to the spleen. It weighs approximately 80 grams. When food enters the stomach, acinar cells in the pancreas produce digestive enzymes realised into small ducts connected to the duodenum. These digestive enzymes aid in the digestion of food. The acinar cell aggregate and form bundles resembling cluster grapes, which is why they were named after the Latin word acinus, meaning “grape”. The pancreas has another role to play; amongst the clusters of acinar cells in scattered patches are another type of secretory tissue collectively known as the islets of Langerhans. The islets secrete two hormones, insulin and glucagon, regulating proper blood sugar levels in the body.
In the locational awareness of the pancreases and in considering that the head and tail have the cellular awareness of the possibility to move towards each other in an inferior direction, gives a freeness of movement to the spine and shoulders, and the psoas muscles